People want self defense weapons they can count on. People want self defense weapons they can afford. People want self defense weapons they can easily carry with them that aren’t too bulky. Fact is, people want pepper spray.
Let’s take a quick look at the most common non lethal self defense weapons:
Stun Guns: there are many makes and models out there and some, quite honestly, are junk. So, people are concerned about being able to get a stun gun they can count on. And, depending on the size and shape, they’re not always easy to have on hand when you need them. Although, this is certainly NOT always the case.
TASER Guns: Starting price on them is $300. So much for the “self defense weapons they can afford”, huh? I mean, many people DO buy taser guns, but their price point puts them out of reach for much of the population. And, its not always practical to go into a restaurant with a TASER M26C strapped to your waist.
Pepper Spray: Self defense weapon people can count on? Check. Pepper Spray has been shown to be effective against almost every person, dog, bear, etc. Self defense weapon they can afford? Check. Pepper Spray generally starts at about $10 and goes up to $40-50 for the largest cannisters; Pepper Guns can be had for about $40 up to $300. Self Defense Weapons they can easily carry? Check. With the myriad designs of pepper spray dispensers available, you can most surely find a design that is easy and practical to carry.
So, as stated, “people want pepper spray”.
- by E Harris